Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Nothing Short of Amazing

My sister Maricris moved into my Mom's room recently. She talked about the renovations she did: retiling, painting, and more importantly, editing. To say my mom was a packrat is an understatement. My dad used to complain that he had to perform acrobatics just to reach the windows because she had boxes two deep against the perimeter of the wall. Maricris had to wade through termite-infested floorboards, mattresses that were at least 20 years old, and 9 kids worth of mementos (or as Little Edie would say in Grey Gardens "memorabeeya"). Here's the tour she posted on youtube, with a bonus of meeting Bailey, the new dog in residence.

1 comment:

jonji said...

I like how the room was updated, but also keeping some old pieces; because "I feel strongly about mementos...memorabaylya." (Yes, I'm still hooked!).