Monday, June 08, 2009

The Job that Ate My Brain!

Six jobs in seven years. SIX JOBS IN SEVEN YEARS! How does one achieve that? Am I confused, ambitious, brave, resourceful, unfocused, unplanning, all-over-the-place, adventurous? How did end up at another crossroads of looking to the next job? Do I do what I like but have a schedule that keeps me from having a normal life with friends? Or do I do something a slightly despise but gives me the normalcy of a 9 to 5? Do I stress now but look ahead, or go back to restful sleep with no plan for the future? Do I feed my ambition and push myself up, or nurture contentment and coast?


Unknown said...

A friend once told me....Do you want to work to live or live to work? That is a hard one to answer at times. I guess I (and I am sure I speak for almost all our friends) just want you to be happy!

jenfu said...

Hi Mike,
I feel for ya. I believe that the concept of balance is key. But, it is so damn elusive for most of us.
Good luck and I hope to see you soon!